Seminar 2: Chizoba Obi and Putthi Cheat Lim

11th of March, 2016


The topics of the presentations by Chizoba and Putthi spanned a wide range, reaching from sovereign debt negotiations to disease mitigation.

Chizoba's Talk: Beliefs in Sovereign Debt Restructuring

“My research investigates the impact of heterogeneous beliefs on delays in sovereign debt restructuring negotiations. As there is no agreed internationally recognised framework for resolving a sovereign debt crisis, the two bargaining parties (creditor(s) and the sovereign debtor) could both perceive and predict the negotiation process from conflicting perspectives, consequently leading to costly delays. I will be presenting some evidence on court enforcement of sovereign debt governed by foreign law, with a particular focus on Argentina, highlighting episodes where heterogenous beliefs may have arisen.”

Contact Chizoba

Putthi's Talk: Attention Allocation and Mitigation of Disease

“Rabies is a deadly disease that can infect human through contacts with infected mammals, especially domestic dogs. Even though, preventative methods are well understood and most developed countries have successfully eliminated rabies; the disease is still rampant in many developing countries. One of the reasons for this is the lack of participation from the local communities. The main hypothesis of my work is that because the poor are occupied by their daily chores and obligations, not enough attention is being paid to health related problems. In this talk, I set up the conceptual framework on which my model is based.”

Contact Putthi